by prudentfinvest | Aug 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
It has been consistently proven with historical returns data that equity as an asset class has delivered the best returns compared to other assets such as debt, real estate or gold. Yet, many investors still avoid investing in equities for fear of volatility and...
by prudentfinvest | Aug 21, 2023 | Wealth Creation
Traditionally, when it comes to investing surplus cash for short to medium term, we have always looked to bank fixed deposits as a default choice. And historically in the absence of alternative choices and access to technology bank fixed deposits have become...
by prudentfinvest | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
For most of us with outstanding home loans it is an ever present dilemma as to whether to use surplus cash available to prepay the loan or invest the cash elsewhere. We at Prudent Finvest feel that it makes more sense to invest your surplus cash than to prepay your...
by prudentfinvest | Aug 7, 2023 | Wealth Creation
PrudentGain, our comprehensive wealth creation service has three clearly defined stages: Plan, Invest and Harvest. At Plan stage, we devise an investment plan for creating long term wealth for a comfortable and prosperous retirement for our clients. At Invest stage we...
by prudentfinvest | Jul 29, 2023 | Wealth Creation
PrudentGain, our comprehensive wealth creation service has three clearly defined stages: Plan, Invest and Harvest. At Plan stage, we devise an investment plan for creating long term wealth for a comfortable and prosperous retirement for our clients. At Invest stage we...